Monday, December 13, 2021

Our 2022 calendar is available; its beauty is bittersweet

We have a 2022 calendar ready, though it's late, I know. Sorry. It's been quite a year again, hasn't it! I think our hours got shorter. I mean, there's still 24 hours in a day but the hours must be shorter. It is so hard to get stuff done. One thing that is different, that has been changing as the years go by, is how many hours we spend directly taking care of our rescued beauties. Most of them came with issues anyway and, as they age, their days require more individual care for things like feed, lameness management, protection from extreme weather, safety among other herd members (who will play nice with whom), etc. It's really quite time consuming. But that's what we do. That's why we are here. We are a sanctuary home for 13 rescued beauties. In September, our number changed from 14 to 13. We had to help Princess go to heaven. And so our whole 2022 calendar is about Princess. And I spose I procrastinated its completion. Because it seems so final then. anyway, the calendar is done. This is a picture of the back of the calendar.

Just a little summary of Princess: Princess and her brother Prince came to us when they were 1.5 years old. Emaciated, full of worms, you know the story. It happens to so many of them. and now we know, because we have kept stats, that more than 50% of our rescued babies grow up with bone and joint problems. That is too high of a number to just be a coincidence. Malnutrition in young horses does not allow them to grow up with good bones and joints, most of the time. Princess had lameness issues from about the age of 4. She had special shoes, lots of different padded boots to try, 2 neurectomy surgeries, numerous joint injections, and on and on and on. and that was just in her front feet. Then she developed ringbone in back. We were able to keep her comfortable and happy all of these years, but this year was real hard for her. And on Sept. 9 our Veterinarians agreed that humane euthanasia was best. Princess is buried here, at her sanctuary home, as it should be. We miss her so much and it's been hard to talk about it. But now, at the end of the year, we will celebrate Princess. Her calendar is beautiful, as she was.

The calendar front looks like this:

You can find the calendar for sale in our online Zazzle store.

There's an easy link to it up toward the top of this page, off to the right.

If you go there you can see all of the photos. every calendar sold makes us a few bucks to help feed and care for the rescued horses who live here. There are no production costs to our org. for this calendar. It's a great way for a small nonprofit like us to have a calendar without having to pay for printing and then have to try to sell and distribute them ourselves. You just order how ever many you want. the calendars are sent to you. And we make money on each sale! Thank you.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

thanks for helping us celebrate our 20th Anniversary

Thanks to our sponsors and everyone who donated, bought, and attended our Bonanza
and Charity Auction at Critters Bar in Crooks on July 22, 2021.
Special thanks to Kyrstin Baker and Bryon Farmer for organizing the awesome event!


Sunday, June 20, 2021


New Hope Horse Shelter is celebrating 20 years of helping horses and humans through our 501c3 non-profit – Horse Help Providers, Inc. – and our “Horsemanship to Live By” program, and we invite you to celebrate with us! Not only will it be a fun, fabulous night filled with food, music, drinks, and games, but there will also be a charity auction to raise funds for the care of our beautiful herd of rescued horses. In addition to the auction, one lucky winner will walk away with a cash prize from a 50/50 draw.
A HUGE thank you to Bryon Farmer and Critters Bar for generously co-hosting this event!
100% of the funds raised from this event will go directly toward the care of the horses. Keep an eye on the event page for updates and a preview of our auction items!
Critters Bar & Dive Bar Pizza
200 E Main St
Crooks, SD 57020
Celebration starts at 6 PM.
Auction starts at 8 PM.
If you have questions about this event, would like to contribute to our auction, make a donation, or volunteer, you can send a message to our Facebook page or contact Kyrstin at

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Considering a Career as a Professional Horse Person? Consider this:


Considering a career as a professional horse person?

Consider this:

we will teach you things about horses; you will help us with chores.  No money paid either way.

Some of the areas of education you will focus on:

basic - advanced horsemanship skills including riding

how to manage feeding and herd dynamics

care for Senior/special needs horses, as well as those with no special needs

basic Vet and Farrier care

how to get chores done quickly without wasting time or money but always putting the horses first, so the horses are safe, comfortable, and happy


About your chore schedule:

You should treat it like a job and a college course, combined.  Be on time, stick to your schedule,  ask questions, make sure you understand instructions, stay busy, 

We will coordinate a schedule with you, anywhere from 20 to 40 hours a week.  Most days will begin at 8 a.m.  and will include Saturdays and Sundays.  Your days off, if desired, will be during the week.  You probably won't have to include evenings in your schedule.

This is a ground-floor learning opportunity.  Our chore helpers who have been here longer do get weekends off, and we do have some paid part-timers (something you can work toward).

We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization as Horse Help Providers, Inc.  Volunteers are most definitely appropriate and appreciated.  Most of the horses who live here (there are 18 total) were rescued from severe starvation, and now this is their sanctuary home.

We have also had many college and high school interns throughout the years.  They get course credit for their learning experience here.  But that is something you would need to work out with your school.  This doesn't have to be a school internship.  It can be something you do for yourself just because you want to learn about horses.  And hopefully, down the trail, this experience  will help you start your career as a professional horse person, whether it's here or somewhere else.  That will be our goal -- to help you get started or advance in your career as a professional horse person. 

To express interest or ask questions, call Darci at 605 359-0961

or email

Friday, April 2, 2021

Mini-workshops in May.

This is a fundraiser for our rescued horses.  All money raised will go to help feed and care for our rescued horses. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization as Horse Help Providers, Inc. (DoubleHP).
To register for one of these mini-workshops, or to get your quesstions answered, please send us an email or give us a call. 359-0961


Wednesday, March 31, 2021

"Horsemanship To Live By" sessions to resume in May!

 Like many other activities, our horsemanship program has been "on hold" for an entire year!  But, we're ready to get going again.  Anticipated start date is May 10, 2021.  Watch for more info here.  Or email or call if you just can't wait., 359-0961.  There is a page/tab here on this website with more info about our horsemanship program.  And there is a link to our videos on YouTube as well.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Show Some Love for Lovely Lily - February is her rescue anniversary!

We rescued Lily on Feb. 7, 2008.  This month we are celebrating her rescue and her life.  We were called to a different county for this rescue.  It was just Lily and her friend.  Only problem -- her friend had already died.  So Lily was standing out in a  field with no food, no water, no shelter.  Only a dead friend.  And it was cold.  Kind of like this February.  

We picked up Lily at the humane society in this county.  The people there were very nice and one of them did know quite a bit about horses.  Lily was severely dehydrated and emaciated.  Her halter was growing into her head.  She had rain rot, lice, terribly neglected hooves, and I remember thinking she looked like a shriveled up Shetland pony.  But really she was a 4 year old Paint horse.  

We waited to transport Lily until after she had eaten some hay and taken a drink of water.  Then we put two blankets on her and brought her back to one of our foster homes that had a double-sized stall where Lily could live for a couple of months. It was still Winter.

The very next day we had our Vet examine Lily.  Our Vet then wrote up a report for the State's Attorney, because there were charges of inhumane treatment.

Here is part of the written report:
"During the exam the horse was quiet and lethargic acting. The horse was very thin with a body score of 1 to 2 (scale 1-9). All ribs were easily palpated, back bone, withers and hips were prominent, and there was no flesh/fat anywhere on the horse's body. The horse's feet were in terrible condition. The hooves were long and underrun with several chips and cracks present in the hoof wall.

Dental exam revealed sharp enamel points on the cheek teeth with ulcers present on cheeks. Her teeth were floated that day.

She was also rectally palpated because there was a concern she could be pregnant. She was not found to be pregnant, but there were hundreds of small strongyles that covered the ob sleeve and feces after palpating. I rarely see a parasite load of this magnitude. I am more accustomed to having to float feces and look for parasite eggs. Actually having hundreds of adults following palpation represents an extraordinarily high burden of worms. I recommended beginning this horse on daily dewormer, so a slower consistent kill would be achieved, followed by an Ivermectin product in one month. In my opinion based on previous cases, I would say this horse has been neglected. She is severely underweight, has had no foot care, has had no dental care, has an extremely high parasite load and has no energy."

Lily was lame for quite some time.  We could not guarantee she would be a riding horse.  She has been lame on and off most of her life with us.  She does fine most of the time with front shoes.  She has done some trail riding.

But her biggest achievement is that she has graduated from Level 3 Parelli Horsemanship and has also passed Level 4 freestyle (bridleless) riding.  She is very playful, loves to play with the big green ball, jumps over barrels, self loads into the trailer, stands on the pedestal, plays at liberty, etc.

She has had colic symptoms a couple of times this Winter.  She does not handle long spurts of cold temps.  So, this month, her rescue month, she is wearing a blanket and is living in the barn.  She is very happy to be inside.  It is supposed to be 20 below zero for the next couple of nights. That is withOUT wind chill.  Lily will be very happy inside.

Last year she had more lameness issues than normal.  Our Vet did xrays and we even had a specialist look at her and do ultrasounds, etc.  It was decided to inject her hocks.  That did seem to help, and she has been sound this Winter.  

Lily has a lot of years left.  She does require quite a bit of special care.  But, after what she went through, she sure does deserve the special care.


Friday, January 8, 2021

January Photo Frenzy. Photos eligible for voting are in this post. Scroll down to see them

Come on out and take pictures of our rescued beauties!

This year is our 20th Anniversary. 

And our year-long celebration has begun!

Throughout the month of January, our Chore Helpers will be taking photos of our rescued horses and posting their fave photos here on our website for everyone to enjoy. (photos are at the bottom of this post)

We have also turned this fun photo frenzy into a fundraiser for our rescued horses! 

So, we invite everyone to participate!

If you want to participate from home, simply vote for your fave photos by making a donation. 

$10 per vote. (If you are donating 20 votes total, your donation amount will be $200, for example.) It's OK to vote multiple times for the same photo. It's OK to vote for multiple photos. It's OK to make multiple donations.

To vote, use the "Donate" button here on our website. Scroll up to the top of this post.

When you use the "Donate" button to vote, include a note letting us know how many votes you are casting for which photos. Each photo will have a name and number for identification. You may also send us this note by email to or message us on our Facebook page.

Voting ends Sunday, Feb. 7 at midnight CST.

If you want to participate in person, we would love to have you come out and meet the horses and take your own pictures of them. Contact Darci to get the details and to schedule your visit.

Darci Hortness (605) 359-0961. Email -  

We will then add your fave photos to our website for everyone to see. All photos must be submitted by Jan. 31. Voting continues a week after that.  

The #1 vote-getting photo has a guaranteed spot in our 2022 calendar.

Names of photographers are anonymous during voting. Once voting is completed, we are happy to add your name as the Photographer to any of the photos you shared.

If you are a well-established photographer, we are happy to add your business name and contact info to your photos on our website.

If you are just getting a photography business going, we are still happy to add your business name and contact info to your photos on our website.

If you don't have a photography business but do enjoy taking pictures, you will be like most of us. And you are sincerely invited to join us, to participate in our celebration, to meet our rescued horses and take their pictures, and to share your pictures on our website. And we are happy to announce you as the Photographer of your photos on our website, too, once the voting is completed.

You never know which photo will be the fave among the voters. Maybe yours!

All donation money from this event will go directly to our rescued horses. There are 14 of them here. They are very well cared for here, very much loved, but very expensive. And we sincerely appreciate the support from the public. We are a 501c3 nonprofit, and donations are tax-deductible according to law.

Throughout the years, our volunteers physically and personally rescued most of these horses from severe starvation, at the request of Law Enforcement involved in neglect/cruelty cases. Once again, we really do appreciate donations from the public to help care for these rescued beauties that other people threw away. This January photo frenzy is a fun little way you can help.

Here are photos submitted. All photos here are taken in January 2021.  Just use the donate button on this website (scroll up to the top of this post) to vote and include a note letting us know which photos you are voting/donating for. Enjoy. And thanks!

Photo #1 Spirit and Rocky playing
this photo has 1 vote

Photo #2 Three Amigos & one Spirit
0 votes

Photo #3 Minerva and Roman A
1 vote

Photo #4 Minerva and Roman B

Photo #5 Minerva and Roman C

Photo #6 Roman running

Photo #7 Shadow and Rocky friending

Photo #8 Bella and Shadow A
1 vote

Photo #9 Bella and Shadow B

Photo #10 Shadow snoozing

Photo #11 Bella close-up

Photo #12 Spirit close-up

Photo #13 Melody caught scratching

Photo #14 Butterscotch and Hero grazing

Photo #15 Spirit's stripes

Photo #16 Different Directions (Roman, Spirit, Lily)

Photo #17, Lily & Roman & Blue Sky

Photo #18, Lily & Roman & More Blue Sky

Photo #19, Rocky

Photo #20, Shadow

Photo #21, Attitudes

Photo #22, More Attitudes, Jewel

Photo #23, Lovely Lily

Photo #24 Roman and Lily
1 vote

Photo#25 Butterscotch & Lily
1 vote

Photo#26 Lovely Lily's Lovely Tail

Photo #27, Roman Skipping

Photo #28 Roman The Look A

Photo #29 Roman The Look B

Photo #30 Roman The Look C
4 votes

Photo #31, Bella

Photo #32, Bella2
1 vote

PHoto #33, Butterscotch

Photo #34, Roman strutting his stuff
1 vote

Photo #35, Butterscotch the look

Photo #36, Butterscotch the look B

Photo#37, Butterscotch the look C

Photo #38, Flicka most beautiful girl

Photo #39, Flicka most beautiful girl B

Photo #40, Flicka most beautiful girl C

Photo #41, Lovely Lily headshot

Photo #42, Rocky simply handsome

Photo #43, Roman galloping

Photo #44, Roman and Lily having a "conversation"

Photo #45, helter skelter, Spirit & Shadow

Photo #46 Beautiful Flicka
1 vote

Photo #47 Prince & Princess Arena 1

Photo #48 Prince & Princess Arena 2

Photo #49 Star & HotShot

Photo #50 The Arena Gang

Photo #51 Chase the Photographer

Photo #52 Flicka's Faceoff

Photo #53 Rocky looking cute

Photo #54 Lovely Lily soaking up the sun

Photo #55 Fun in the Snow

Photo #56 Fun in the Snow close up

Photo #57 Butterscotch and Roman flying

Photo #58 Always beautiful Jewel

Photo #59 Sun's Out, Tongue's Out (Hero & Rocky)

Photo #60 Lily and Roman discussion

Photo #61 Roman curious (Spirit in back)

Photo #62 Roman and Flicka frolic

Photo #63, DoubleHP Lily with her friend Nicole

Photo #64, Lily and Nicole a smooch
1 vote

Photo #65, DoubleHP Princess with her friend Sydney
1 vote

Photo #66, Greetings from RJ

Photo #67, Jet & Hero at the feeder

Photo #68, RJ on duty

Photo #69, Best Friends (Bella & Shadow)

Photo #70, Kitty Cuddles (Tina & Ralph)

Photo #71, Sydney & Shadow

Photo #72, Sydney with Bella & Shadow