Tad Enck of Enck's Training LLC has more than 30 years of experience with riding young horses, and he enjoys sharing his knowledge through teaching and clinics. On Saturday, Nov. 3, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tad will present a clinic at New Hope Horse Shelter, 25337 470 Ave, approx 3 miles north of Crooks, SD.
THERE ARE ONLY FOUR HORSE SESSIONS AVAILABLE, so if you would like to bring your horse to this clinic please call as soon as possible.
If you would like to have Tad help you and your horse find a solution to a problem, develop a certain skill, or address another issue, this clinic is for you. Spectators are invited as well. $10 per spectator, regardless of age. $50 per session to bring a horse.
Tad is donating half of the clinic fees to the rescued horses who live at New Hope Horse Shelter (DoubleHP). A 501c3 nonprofit and GFAS Sanctuary, Horse Help Providers, Inc.

Some Facility Guidelines and Info. if you are attending the clinic:
Dear Visitors of New Hope Horse Shelter (DoubleHP),
Many of you
are familiar with us as Horse Help Providers, Inc. (DoubleHP), a 501c3
nonprofit organization that has helped many horses and humans in many different
South Dakota counties, through rescue and education. We have helped to rehome
hundreds of horses through adoption and networking during the past 10 years.
In 2012 we were awarded Sanctuary Status by Global
Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS). It is a huge honor for us, and we are
South Dakota’s first and only GFAS sanctuary. With our sanctuary status, we are
doing less rescue & adoption, and much more education. Fourteen of our
rescued horses live here as sanctuary horses, and they are available to assist
us in our new programs of natural horsemanship and equine assisted learning.
From time to
time we will offer events here. On Saturday, Nov. 3, 2012, Tad Enck
is coming here for one of his “problem horse / horsemanship” clinics. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Tad is
accepting 4 horses and their people to come with a special issue or skill or
activity they would like help with.
$50 to bring a horse. $10 per person to
observe the clinic, regardless of age.
Tad will be generously donating 50% of this money to our 501c3
nonprofit. Thanks Tad!!!!!!!!!
If you are bringing a horse to New
Hope Horse Shelter, here are some things you will want to know: All horses must have current health
certificate from veterinarian (so that the veterinarian has actually seen the
horse and completed the papers). Any
horse that has been outside of South Dakota at any time between Nov. 3, 2011,
and Nov. 4, 2012, must have current/negative Coggins as well. And of course all
horses everywhere need to be up to date on vaccinations, deworming, dental
checks, and hoof care. We don’t have any available stalls. You may tie your horse
in the arena, or at your trailer, or you may bring some panels. We have lots of
space to set up a little pen. We do have a few panels here but if you can bring
some that would be great. Please bring your own water buckets and hay. You will be asked to sign a “release of liability” form,
similar to what you sign when you go on commercial trailrides, etc.
Along with our 501c3 status and GFAS verification, we have a
lot more accountability and, yes, sadly, paperwork that is required. But it’s
also what allows us to develop our new programs of natural horsemanship and
equine assisted learning. And it’s also what allows people to make donations to
us that are recognized as tax deductions by the IRS. So it’s all good.All visitors will want to know these things: With our new facility lease this year, visitors cannot bring dogs or alcoholic beverages. And the entire property here is non-smoking. All visitors under 16 must be accompanied by adults. You must wear shoes that are closed toe & sole (no flipflops). If you are riding, you must wear long pants; and youth must wear a helmet. We do have a few chairs to sit in, but if you can please remember to bring your own. We do have a portapotty here. We don’t have a lunch stand. Please bring your own lunch and water, pop, coffee, etc. Otherwise, the little town of Crooks is only 3 miles away and it does have a couple of restaurants/C stores.
You also
need to understand what South Dakota law is regarding equine events and
activities. (DoubleHP is an equine activity sponsor, and everyone who visits,
observes, or attends events here is a participant):
Under South Dakota
law, no equine activity sponsor, equine professional, doctor of veterinary
medicine, or any other person, is liable for an injury to or the death of a
participant resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities, pursuant to
Section 42-11-2.
Any questions, you may
call DoubleHP (Darci) at 605 359-0961.
Or email doublehphorses@alliancecom.net
Location is 25337 470 Ave, Crooks SD 57020 (about 3 miles
north of Crooks, SD)
www.newhopehorses.org www.facebook.com/newhopehorses