For 4 weeks in May (May 4 - June 1) we will have a Resident Instructor at New Hope Horse Shelter near Sioux Falls, SD.
And on Sunday, May 5, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., we will have a "Meet Bryna and Berry" event here. Berry is Bryna's horse, and they will present a demo. to music.
Bryna will also tell us about her horsemanship journey and introduce us to Parelli Natural Horsemanship. She is a Licensed 2* Junior Parelli Instructor.
The public is invited to attend, and there is no fee.
There will be plenty of time to ask questions and sign up for lessons and workshops that will be continuing the entire month of May.
Bryna will also be available a few days each week in May to travel to other barns that are in the Sioux Falls area, for lessons and workshops.
Beginners as well as advanced horsemen will enjoy and benefit from these lessons and workshops.
At New Hope Horse Shelter, we have a horse sponsorship/horse share program. Participants may partner up with one of our horses here for these lessons and workshops.
Any questions about any of this, please call Darci 605 359-0961.