Pam & Mae's annual rummage sale to benefit the Horses of DoubleHP is tomorrow and Sat. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 5 & 6 at 2517 S Main in Sioux Falls.
Pam says there is quite a bit of horsey stuff donated and also house stuff and garden stuff. Tonight I took some boxes over there. Really nice donated items from Sue Severson and Barb Nix and Riley?? I think and maybe some other 4-Hers. Thank you sooooooooooooooo much! What I can remember are lots of grooming supplies, some blankets both the riding kind and also the turnout/winter kind. some bridles, I think a breast collar, halters, ropes, etc. and lots of nice jigsaw puzzles. A beautiful women's winter coat, some womens Ariats kind of small maybe 5 or so. And that's just a small sample of what Pam's got donated.
If you have stuff to donate, you may call Pam at 310-2094.
DoubleHP is a 501c3 so your donations are tax deductible to the full extent according to Law.
On a sad note, this is the last year Pam can have this rummage at this location. It has been a great location the last 5 or so years, and we thank Pam & Mae soooooo much. But, we have to find a new host. Anyone interested?