These sponsorships will make great gifts for those people on your list who have everything and want nothing. Even THEY will want THIS!
Please use our donate button on this page, or paypal direct to, or send check payable to Horse Help Providers, Inc., sent to DoubleHP, 25337 470 Ave, Crooks SD 57020.
if you have questions about any of this, email Or communicate with us about it on our facebook page. Link also found here on this page.
EAGALA is new to our area. But if you do an internet search of EAGALA, you will be amazed at what it's doing to help people and families. Including our U.S. Military Service Personnel & their families.
It will take $150 to be our first sponsor. Do it alone, or combine with others. Do it in your name, or in someone else's name (for a gift, for example). It can by anonymous if you wish. Sponsorships will be acknowledged here on our website and on our facebook page, etc.
If your company or family is looking to do a major donation this year, please consider us.
Corporate Sponsorships welcome!
EAGALA is already very popular around the Twin Cities, Rochester, Lincoln/Omaha areas. It is coming to Sioux Falls. And our DoubleHP Horses are proud to introduce it here.
Please help them do this. They already know how. They already help humans figure things out, every single day.
And our facilitators have worked hard and spent lots of their own personal money gaining their certification. We are ready.
Are you?
Become a Sponsor today.
Thank you.