Some of our (me and a few within our organization who have helped) greatest accomplishments have been to help keep funding for horse slaughter plant / feasibility study out of our state.
And bringing together for meetings our county and state officials, law enforcement, veterinarians, for meetings in Sioux Falls to try to organize a Sioux Falls Area Horse Welfare Committee. We had good meetings, but in the end everyone except a couple of us wanted to handle horse neglect cases the way most counties do: call the state vet, no prosecution, send horses to feedlot, salebarn & slaughter. that's what's easiest. At that time, I disbanded the group and informed all of the officials that our government does not have to help people get their starving horses to the slaughterplant. Horse owners can do that on their own. Talk about a waste of government resources. So, I have tried. Have you???
here is an update on how I feel about the ISPMB and Karen Sussman. And the way the county and state officials have handled this situation. Once again, treating the horses like the offenders.
Here is an update on my thoughts about the ISPMB and
Karen Sussman's criminal actions regarding neglect of her 800 and some horses
near Lantry, SD. I'm not going to go
through the whole depressing thing. you
can do a simple internet search and find it all.
here is a link to court documents that is very helpful
though. Especially the Veterinary report
at the end, which clearly shows that several types of neglect is definitely
going on here.
Karen Sussman is responsible for the suffering these
horses have gone through.
There have been people and animal welfare groups trying
to help; thanks to those.
But once again, as it often goes in South Dakota, the
county and state officials did not do the right thing. Oh they did the right
thing for humans. No charges
whatsoever. and just view the horses as
money. Treat the horses as the
offenders, not the victims. And protect
the horse owner. This is typical in South Dakota. Not in all counties, but in many counties
this is how it goes in horse cases.
If you do an internet search you will no doubt find
comments, etc., from lots of folks thanking the county officials for doing such
a good job and saying they have no choice, they have to send the horses to a
salebarn. You need to know this is not
true. These horses were impounded. The SD Animal Industry Board was involved,
and so were the counties.
You will also find a lot of comments like this: well, if the only choices are starvation or
slaughter, I choose slaughter. Weak,
thoughtless humans. what kind of choices are those? What about the enforcement of the laws we
have written. How's that for a choice?
Maybe these situations wouldn't keep happening if the laws would be enforced.
anyway, I will never choose between slaughter and
starvation. I will never believe or
state those are the only 2 options. That
is giving up. That is giving in. That is
living in a cave, and thinking that just because this is the way it's always
been done it's the way it should still be done.
Doing the right thing can be hard, exhausting, time consuming. But once it's done it makes the future better
and easier to handle. It takes great
leaders to make these changes. Evidently
our state does not yet have those leaders.
Take a look at
some of these laws we have written.
There were many options the officials could have gone with. They certainly could have charged Sussman
like they should have. But look at all
of these other options they could have chosen for the horses:
Disposition of impounded animals. An animal impounded under this chapter
shall, within reasonable time at the direction of the board, any agent or
officer of a humane society, or any peace officer be disposed of by:
returning to the owner or caretaker;
transferring ownership to a humane society ...
sold through public auction
transferring ownership to a suitable caretaker or facility . . .
any other disposition as determined by the board, any agent or officer of a
humane society, or any peace officer in accordance with rules promulgated
pursuant to 40-1-25
then there is this one:
Contract to enforce
livestock provisions. The
board may contract with a humane society incorporated pursuant to chapter 40-2
to enforce the provisions of this chapter concerning cattle, horses, sheep,
swine, and other livestock.
Lots and lots of options.
So please don't believe for one second that
"salebarn" was the only option.
What is happening is the horses are standing
there eating hay which, of course is good, but they are getting fattened up for
market. There will be killbuyers present
at a public auction. Everyone knows
it. The officials know it. Everyone knows it. This did not have to happen this way. Except for human greed and lack of willpower
to do the right thing.
Geez, at least they could have charged her
with neglect.
Here are a few notes from the court
It is hereby Ordered that all live mustangs′ burros and horses owned by
Defendant′ ISMPB and Karen Sussman′ located in Dewey and Ziebach Counties′
shall be immediately impounded and properly cared for by the Dewey county and
ziebach County Sheri ffs or other designees pursuant to SDCL 40-1-5。
That there have been times ... that the ISBMB has
been unable to and has
failed to provide sufficient
feed or care generally considered to be . . .
accepted for said
animals' health and
well-being consistent with the
species, breed, physlcal
condition and type
of said animals, in
violation of SDCL
to SDCL 40-1-40.
Attached hereto and incorporated by reference
of Dr. Marc
Hammrich, DVM, of the
South Dakota Animal Industry Board,
AIso observed was a burial
pit that contained 25 carcasses.
These were in
various stages of decomposition . . .Proper
carcass disposal methods were not being
followed and Ms.
Sussman was advised of this.
(could have charged her with that
one too)
According to SDCL
40-l-2.3, neglect is defined as the
failure to provide
food, water, protection from
the elements, adequate
sanitation adequate facilities
or care generally considered to be
standard and accepted
for an animal' s
health and well
being.. Many criteria
of neglect have been identified. . .
Hay procurement needs
to be completed
immediately. Many animals are
not receiving adequate hoofcare.
Ownership does not
appear to have
the means, money,
labor, and facilities to
support and manage
a population of animals this size
and does not
appear to have adequate
plans to assure the future of this
herd, Based on my
findings as outlined in
this report, it
is my determination that
animal neglect is present
at this facility.
Signature Marc A. Hammrich,
DVM Date: 9/15/16
Summary: Don't
believe those who say "salebarn" was the only option. Don't believe those who say "starvation
or slaughter are the only options."
Don't believe those who say this was handled the right way. It was not.
No charges? Disgusting. Shameful.
Way to go South Dakota. As far as I
know, Sussman isn't really from South Dakota, so it wouldn't have even been
like charging one of our own. I hope she
goes back to wherever she came from; her family should really come and get her
and put her into therapy for hoarding etc.
Let's be clear.
What is needed, what's always been needed in these cases, is enforcement
of the laws we have written. And doing
right for the horses, the victims.
Charge the offenders. Prosecute.
Include in the sentencing "no more breeding or no more ownership of
horses." It has been in some
counties I have worked with. No there
were not 800 horses involved. But that's
the thing. You handle it the right way
in the beginning and it wont blow out of control like this.
I will keep advocating for horse welfare and enforcement
of laws with the victims, the horses, in mind.
I will not settle for the salebarn and slaughter being the answer. If more of us would speak up that way, some
day, it will change. Probably not in my
lifetime. I know that. But I will be able to rest in peace, knowing
that I never gave up and I never gave in.