Saturday, March 16, 2013

natural horsemanship with New Hope Horses

here is more info. about our ongoing natural horsemanship program. If you get started in the next couple of weeks, you will have a HUGE headstart on this before our Resident Instructor gets here in May. Maybe you can even get through level one before May.... if you start now.

Natural horsemanship with New Hope Horses

Help to sponsor one of our rescued horses, and participate with your sponsored horse in our horsemanship program.
We will help you through various levels of horsemanship, at your own pace. Starting with “groundwork,” basic safety around horses, haltering, assertive but not aggressive, space & distance, and playing some fun and educational games with your horse. You will see how all of this relates to riding. If you are already an experienced horseperson you will of course move through this level very quickly. For others, it may take a few weeks or possibly a couple of months (depends on how much time you are able to spend with your horse).

Once you are through this first level, you may begin riding. We will continue to help you through this second level where you will learn to ride more confidently, softly, freely. (The bridle is not there to hold you on; in fact, you may even advance to the level of riding withOUT a bridle. That will be up to you.)
Our scheduling goal will be to arrange at least two 2-hour sessions for you and your sponsored horse each week. Of course you may visit more often than that! How much supervised or unsupervised time you have with your horse will depend on your level of horsemanship. Your need for supervision should decrease as your horsemanship level increases. Once you get through the second level, which includes riding, you will be well on your way! 

Here’s a promise: We have promised these very special horses a forever home here. They are not available for adoption, so if you fall in love…. Correction: WHEN you fall in love with our horses, you don’t have to worry about saying goodbye to them. These horses live here. This is their home.
Your sponsorship contribution in 2013 will start out at $160 per month. Your sponsorship money goes to Horse Help Providers, Inc. (DoubleHP), the 501c3 nonprofit organization that rescued these horses and is responsible for their care. Your sponsorship money helps to feed and care for these rescued horses. Not a penny goes to a person. It all goes to the horses.

After you are through the second level, which includes learning to ride more freely, your monthly sponsorship contribution may be lowered; and you may enjoy helping other people who are just getting started in our horsemanship program.
For many reasons, including consistency for horses and humans, we follow a specific horsemanship program that is strongly influenced by Parelli Natural Horsemanship Levels (though we do not have a permanent Parelli instructor here). Learn more at

In May, we DO have a Resident Instructor here – a Licensed Parelli Instructor! So your May sponsorship will include some lessons with our Parelli Instructor.
No Previous Horse Experience Required.
Our Horses will show you everything you need to know.
About Life.
(605) 359-0961