Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Considering a Career as a Professional Horse Person? Consider this:


Considering a career as a professional horse person?

Consider this:

we will teach you things about horses; you will help us with chores.  No money paid either way.

Some of the areas of education you will focus on:

basic - advanced horsemanship skills including riding

how to manage feeding and herd dynamics

care for Senior/special needs horses, as well as those with no special needs

basic Vet and Farrier care

how to get chores done quickly without wasting time or money but always putting the horses first, so the horses are safe, comfortable, and happy


About your chore schedule:

You should treat it like a job and a college course, combined.  Be on time, stick to your schedule,  ask questions, make sure you understand instructions, stay busy, 

We will coordinate a schedule with you, anywhere from 20 to 40 hours a week.  Most days will begin at 8 a.m.  and will include Saturdays and Sundays.  Your days off, if desired, will be during the week.  You probably won't have to include evenings in your schedule.

This is a ground-floor learning opportunity.  Our chore helpers who have been here longer do get weekends off, and we do have some paid part-timers (something you can work toward).

We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization as Horse Help Providers, Inc.  Volunteers are most definitely appropriate and appreciated.  Most of the horses who live here (there are 18 total) were rescued from severe starvation, and now this is their sanctuary home.

We have also had many college and high school interns throughout the years.  They get course credit for their learning experience here.  But that is something you would need to work out with your school.  This doesn't have to be a school internship.  It can be something you do for yourself just because you want to learn about horses.  And hopefully, down the trail, this experience  will help you start your career as a professional horse person, whether it's here or somewhere else.  That will be our goal -- to help you get started or advance in your career as a professional horse person. 

To express interest or ask questions, call Darci at 605 359-0961

or email

Friday, April 2, 2021

Mini-workshops in May.

This is a fundraiser for our rescued horses.  All money raised will go to help feed and care for our rescued horses. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization as Horse Help Providers, Inc. (DoubleHP).
To register for one of these mini-workshops, or to get your quesstions answered, please send us an email or give us a call. 359-0961